Funny Tweets (Short Form Copy, Ya’ll)

Funny Tweets (Short Form Copy, Ya’ll)

Writing jokes for Twitter is hard. Here’s some of my funniest tweets–a showcase of short form copy, if you will–alongside the landslide of idiocy that is Twitter. [<a href=”//”...
Lextech Rebranding (Mobile Developer Branding)

Lextech Rebranding (Mobile Developer Branding)

The biggest project of my first year involved mobile developer branding at Lextech. The rebranding was tough, but thorough. I participated in early meetings around reworking our messaging, created entirely new web copy, and translated our old collateral into fresher,...
Tech Community Social Media

Tech Community Social Media

These are two examples of tech community social media images I did for appoLearning, an appolicious edtech property. During my time freelancing, Facebook began to drastically alter its algorithm and affected organic reach. Natively shared images like this helped to...
Pilates Studio Social Media

Pilates Studio Social Media

This is one of many social media graphics I created for short term work with a Pilates studio in Chicago. They already had a faithful following on social media, but I helped grow their organic reach by using native graphics in Facebook, starting a Pinterest profile,...